
Hi there,
I am a Frenchie who moved to the Netherlands in 2009. When, in 2014 I relocated from the far away city of Groningen to the sunny south city of Maastricht, I started to practice yoga regularly.
I was working for a big company, and after a few years evolving in the wrong direction, I was faling apart.
What kept me going, kept me lively was my yoga routine.
I got really triggered by the strength and the peace that yoga was generating in me, despite of the external events.
I definitely wanted to learn more about it. I left my stress, my phobias, my old skin behind and, I went straightly to the source.
So, let’s jump a few months later to, Agonda in India:
We are in February 2017, the sun is shining high in the sky, the smells are delightful, my heart is wide open. I am at the beginning of my hatha yoga training, an exciting journey is about to start!
I immediately felt that I was at the right place, it was the right time, yes, I was back in the flow:). However, I could not yet project myself as a yoga instructor.
But when I came back to the Netherlands the words of my philosophy teacher resonated in me:
‘It’s easy to practice in India where you are having a break and, only yoga to think of. Now, go back to the western world and continue seriously your routine, apply the principles, and start to teach, some people are waiting for your classes’.
So did I.
From the very first week than I came back I started to teach and since, I never stopped.
The yoga seed was planted and, it allowed me to grow, wherever I went, whatever I did, I found back my Self and, above all, I found serenity.
Since 7 years now I keep in deepening my practice with training about pranayamas, physiology and meditation which are my 3 favorite aspects of yoga.
Yoga is so vast, it is a world in itself, and I am so grateful to share it with my students and, hopefully with you.
Let’s soon meet on the mat and practice together!